Sunday, December 05, 2004

Re-gifting, scandal or frugal?

Ahhh ... it's the holiday season. One of my least favourite times of the year - as you'll come to find out if you read this regularly. But more on that subject later. Today I'd like to talk about the concept of re-gifting.

Re-gifting (in case you don't know) is the act of giving a gift that you have received to another person.

I am always stunned at the ire that is provoked by this practice. Why should there be any stigma attached to this?

I know, I know, some of you are already spluttering in outrage, but gimme a second here.

Here's the scenario: someone gives you a gift for your birthday. For whatever reason it's just not right; it doesn't fit, it's not your style, it doesn't match your decor, etc. But it does fit (is her style/matches her decor) your cousin Betty. Should you wrap it back up and send it on? Should you re-gift it? (can that term be verbed, lol?)

You splutterers are all saying; "But it was a GIFT!"


You're telling me that the proper tribute to your friend/relative's time, effort, and expense is to move said gift around your house for a few months, cringing with guilt every time you do so, only to end up stuffing it up in the attic to collect dust?

People aren't mind readers. If the gift is not your style, why is that so terrible? It's nobody's fault. The (presumably) good intent is still there. Keeping a gift that is just not you is ridiculous ... and wasteful!

This is as crazy as allowing someone to take you to a restaurant and order your entire meal for you - based on their perception of your taste - and then you being obliged to eat every bite and smile!

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posted by MrsEvilGenius @ 4:47 pm   0 comments


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