Thursday, March 31, 2005

On springtime and blood tests

Abject apologies for my long silence! It's Spring Break and when it's Spring Break Darling Hubby is home and when Darling Hubby is home Blue can work outside. Huzzah!

So I've been waddling happily about the barnyard and garden getting sod-all done, but planning a great deal. It's a bit hard, really. I weigh, like, 4000 lbs and get tired so quickly. I can't bend down to pick up a dropped nail. Not to mention that the barnyard is close enough to the house for me to hear the various screams and crying fits inflicted on Darling Hubby by The Brood.

We did get out yesterday. (Note to self: do not drive in rush hour traffic when wired on Pregnancy Hormones. I'm already a hope-you-die-in-a-fiery-cateclysm-or-get-your-pancreas-eaten-by-aliens-you-bitch! type of competative driver under normal, non-gestational conditions)

I must be some sort of conception catalyst. I say this because since I got preggers with my first everyone around me seems to get knocked up when I do. I'd concieve and half of my co-workers would too. It seems to work with my OBs office as well. I go in for my first few appts and it's like a ghost town in the office. By the time I'm up to 6 months or so the place is like a cattle feedlot.

So, while waiting to see the doc for my last 3 appointments, not only has the OB on call been rushed away to a delivery, the OB in the office has as well, leaving us not-quite-ready-to-pop gals either waiting a while or trudging back home, our appointments rescheduled.

This is generally no problem for me. I never have anything alarming to report, so it's Hi, howya doin'? Good? Kay. Bye! type of thing but there's one little hitch. There's a doctor in the paractice whom I really really dislike. He's the senior partner. He has a private office and is always there.

Soooooo guess who steps in, brisk and annoyed, when the other two docs are called away?

You guessed it: Dr Arrogant Bully

Now I love my OB practice. Not only have they assisted me in bringing all of my lovely children into the world but the docs and nurses and staff are just fab. I really love most of them. Seriously. All except Dr Arrogant Bully. And Dr Blue-is-too-fat.

So there I am, trying to keep my smile on and my teeth clamped shut. I'm juggling my youngest who's going through seperation anxiety and decided abruptly, when I was called, to draw down a rain of fire from the heavens because I had had the gall to leave her in her own father's arms, damnit who did I think I was?

Dr AB: (reading my chart where I'd refused the second GD test) "If you're not going to take the test then we'll treat you like you failed it."
Me: "Fine"
Dr AB: (bristling) "You'll have to test your blood 4 times a day ... stick your finger ... take a fasting blood sugar and ..."
Me: (tartly) "Fine."
Dr AB: " ... after breakfast lunch and dinner and call in your results ... you'll have to get a tester and stick your finger ..."
Me: (speaking to Bitty Girl in an attempt to not Hulk out) "No problem. My husband's a Type 1 diabetic. I have a machine. I test my blood regularly, don't I Bitty Girl?"
Dr AB: (Noting on chart and reading out loud what he's writing as if I'm an idiot) "Will ... test blood 4 times a day ... report back in writing to this office ..."

This man can kiss my 4000 lb ass.

But, in the end, the forces in the cosmos smiled upon me. Dr AB retreated into his office and I got to feast my eyes on not JUST Dr. Young, Dark, and Handsome, but my very fave, Dr. Cutie-Pie. *droooooooooool*

I also got my C-section scheduled! June 6th, here we come!

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posted by MrsEvilGenius @ 12:34 pm   1 comments


At 3:21 pm, Blogger MrsEvilGenius said...

I am seriously lucky to have such a great group of OBs. I figure having to dodge two of them isn't bad, lol.

There really Do seem to be an inordinant amount of really gorgeous men in this practice. I mean the two I mentioned are breathtaking! Yum!

I specifically chose a practice without a female doctor, BTW. No offense to women OBs, but I get the creeps when a lady touches me. The nurses who prep me in the hospital ... geeze it makes my flesh crawl. Nothing personal, just me, ya know?



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