Thursday, April 21, 2005

What I learned this week

1) I've learned that I'm an idiot and not only have I failed to update my read-'em-every-day blogger's list but several ones that I do have have flitted off to that posh Typepad and I've not redone the links. I suck.

2) I've learned that chasing livestock around the neighbourhood (goats and sheep yesterday and a pony this morning) won't help me lose weight ... apparently. Bah! Or should I say: "Baaaaa!"

3) I've learned that a ream of printer paper can be spread to cover an astonishingly large area of a home in a breathtakingly short amount of time if three very small children apply themselves diligently to the task.

3) I've learned that I posted about Darling Hubby finding the puppy by the side of the road and never let you know what happened. 'Cuz I suck.

Here she is (she's the smaller one!) : fat, happy, and as slick as glass. The general consensus is that she's a lab/ bird dog cross which is exactly what the humungo Tall Dog in the pic is.

I also learned 4) that the Big Photograph Debacle is a non-issue. Apparently Mum's husband's daughter just happened to remember (after two weeks of planning and phone calls by my mum) that she has to work the day it's scheduled. She's actually off a whole different day ... in a whole different month.

And if it sound as if I'm intimating that this was no mix-up ... I am. I mean, I didn't want to go, but I agreed to please my mum. And - the way I was raised - one verifies details before agreeing and honours one's agreements. Perhaps it's just me.

And lastly I learned 5) - during our discussion on human eating habits - that there are many different flavours of opinions on this subject and you were very very cool when expressing yours.

In honour of the whole thing (and after witnessing the ghastly broccoli massacre that occured over on Summer's Blog ... oh, the humanity! Or would that be vegetability?) I've added a new shirt to my store:

This is on the front (in full colour) and on the back - in green - is written: "I can hear the peas scream ..."

It's available up to 3XL in several different styles. Stand up for our vegetable sibling's rights!!

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posted by MrsEvilGenius @ 2:48 pm   3 comments


At 12:30 pm, Blogger Amyesq said...

Love the shirt. My old boss, who won't touch veggies with a ten foot pole, always says he is "Morally opposed to the slaughter of innocent vegetables" when asked why he isn't eating the salad that came with his steak.

At 2:02 pm, Blogger K said...

Ooh, I need that shirt! I hate vegetables ... um, I mean, I really care about the vegetables' feelings and don't want to hurt them. Yeah.

I have T-shirts on CafePress, too. It's so much fun, huh? Mine are all old-house related.

At 3:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heheh, I have to get one of those shirts eventually, Blue...

as far as the kids spreading out the ream of paper, that just reminds me of the many paper realted mis-haps we have here at work, where a ream will explode whilst being opened and go EVERYWHERE!! Such a huge mess...


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