Blogford wives?
In any public forum on the net there’s bound to be some upsets. It’s public ‘place’. If anyone can come by and look / comment then somebody’s eventually going to say something stupid, or just come across wrong. If one is dealing with women TTC, women battling infertility, women hormonal and pregnant, or women exhausted with kids – again – someone is just going to get her feathers ruffled.
This phenomenon has surfaced in the community of infertility blogs that I read (thoughts on this from two individuals with whom I agree - here, and here). This bruhaha has cause me to rethink my own blogs and self-censoring.
I have two separate blogs. Even though they are freely linked I still maintain their seperateness. Why? Good question. This is precisely what I’ve been asking myself.
Originally, my personal blog was intended to be a vehicle for whatever random, randy, off-colour, or obscenity-filled rants I felt like putting to ‘paper’. The other was supposed to be my squeeky-clean MommyBlog.
If you've read my other blog you may have deduced that I’m not a squeeky-clean character.
But I was catering (pandering?) to percieved audiences. In my personal blog I was being myself and ‘talking’ to my close friends. I also wanted to avoid boring any non-mommies with the standard fluff that one can’t help putting on one’s MommyBlog: baby pics, belly pics, ultrasound pics, tiresome accounts of doctor’s appointments and baby’s first tooth, first step, first tattoo. No problem there.
But in my MommyBlog I wanted to keep from offending any on-line aquaintences from my baby boards. Or random wandering inlaws. I was censoring my quirky humour and less-than-sterling language. I thought I really needed to be this other person, this mommy façade.
Well, I’ve rethought all that. This is who I am, warts and all, as my Mum says. While I feel that there’s nothing wrong with the occasional mention of my bubs on my personal blog (I do have 3 and ½ of them … you can’t swing a nursing bra around here without grazing a kid), I do think that I shouldn’t feel compelled to censor the other one. It’s just not me. And the ‘real’ me is creeping out. I used *gasp* the word 'fuck' in a post recently!
So I’m agreeing with the general consensus come to by my infertility bloggers: a blog is by the blogger. If it offends you or makes you uncomfortable, don’t read it. Or, if you generally enjoy it but are bugged by a few things, let it roll off and keep reading. I read several blogs who’s authors have WIDE-ly differing political views from my own. When they take up their pitchforks and torches and start chanting that all Republicans should die, I just duck into a dark alley until the mob has passed. No biggie.
So if you are reading this blog and profanity or strange humour offend you I apologize. I’m not doing this for sensational effect or shock value. I can’t talk like this on BabyCenter or Fertility Friend, so it may be startling, but it’s really the way I am. I’ll try to keep it to a minimum of course. I mean, fuck, I’m not going to just start randomly spewing obscenities!
If you’ve made it this far, thanks. I enjoy getting to ‘talk’ to you all and I hope you’ll stick around.
Just stopping in to say I hope you will let your true colours shine through (well, somebody had to be first with that comment). A few well places obscenities can be good for the spirit sometimes- doesn't mean you are a bad person for say fuckadoodledoo once in awhile.
And also, just to say thanks for all your supportive comments over at the Barn, and for reading. It means a lot. Thank you.
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