Saturday, January 22, 2005

Zombie Hoards can kiss my backside

I realized yesterday that being hormonal is like being drunk. You get into highly emotional states: weep uncontrolably or fly into a murderous rage (and anyone out there who’s ever been hormonal knows that I’m not using the word 'murderous' lightly), then when it’s over, that evening or the next day, you have almost no memory of what you did.

You recall what it was that put you there: someone pulled out in front of you, your SIL was whining those little passive-aggressive insults at you in front of your MIL, you watched Four Weddings and a Funeral, but you have only a faint coherant memory of the raw emotion that gripped you.

Just like waking up after a drunk.

So now you're saying: " whoa ... so what caused Blue to Hulk out yesterday?"

Well, it was this. One of my very favourite bloggers was apparently set upon by the Mindless Zombie Hoards of The Offended over a post detailing ... wait for it ... her baby son's discovery of his willy.

Yeah. That was it. That was all.

Now, I understand that the world is full of idiots and an alarming number of them have internet access (hey, I'm on Baby*Center, I know), but come on. If a person's blog bores you, don't read it. If you don't agree with a person, express yourself coherently. Nothing wrong with disagreeing. But to attack folks personally just because you don't share their views?

Get a life, people. Better yet, get laid and get off the 'net.

Oh, and just for the record, I feel that anyone who sincerely hopes or wishes grievous harm on a small child is just plain sick and should be shot in the head with a large calibre handgun and tossed in a dumpster.

There. Gosh, I hope I didn't offended some of the Zombie Horde with that!

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posted by MrsEvilGenius @ 6:02 am   0 comments


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