Saturday, February 05, 2005

A wee post

Yep this post is about wee. (A 'wee' post ... get it? ... *snort* ... ok, ok fine, geez)

Anyway, one of the many ladies who's blogs I read is currently adopting and had asked for her blog reader's advice on good parenting books. My first thought was this: "You can only learn what you really need to know from actually doing it" closely followed by "I wasn't an official Mum until I'd been wee'd in the face while changing a nappy!"

This made me fondly recall the days when I was a real greenhorn at this mommy business and how my first child and first son tought me something new every day. Like how not to get wee in one's face.

(for those of you who are unfamiliar: an infant boy's penis rests like a fat little slug on his plump testicles and, subsequently, when he's supine, points anywhere from straight up to right at his chin. If he decides to have a waz in mid-nappie-change one is liable to get a golden shower - you, him, the changing table, the carpet, the dog, etc.)

Now, all of this made me snicker in anticipation. What sort of weirdo am I, you ask? The snickering kind. I know for a fact that my Dearest Hubby, after a straight run of two girls, will forget about the little willy/sprinkler deal and get sprayed within the first week! Wanna bet me? I'll bet you a Cadbury with almonds and pay for shipping!

*rubs hands together gleefully*

And on the same general subject (wee, remember? ok ...), my oldest DD, aged 21 months, sat on the pot today and had a little wee! I was so proud. (Yes, this is the sort of thing that get's you whipped into a lather when you become a mum). It was completely out of the blue and she acted so nonchalant.

So here's to wee! Who knew it would become such an all-consuming topic in my life? They never told me about that in any of my baby books!

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posted by MrsEvilGenius @ 9:02 pm   0 comments


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