Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Alright! My fence is up, I've put the poles in and mounted the gate (with a big assist from Evil Genius Husband *mwah!*) Here is the barn drive before:

And after (man, I need to mow!):

Here's the gate from the outside - I'll be putting up wire on the inside of both the gate and the sides so that it's goat and sheep-proof:

I do still have to run the electric fence in the pasture, but that's not particularly difficult, just time-consuming and fiddly. I'm going to do a bit every day and should have it finished by the week-end.

Now on to The Pantry and the part of construction that is the most fun:


I have to remove a ramp and railing from the deck and take out the back gate that I put up between the side yard - 'the garden' in the British sense, which includes the back deck, 'my' yard (with all my plants and flowers) and the vegetable patch - and the back yard which is the domain of the dogs, the pumphouse, and the brooder pens.

I've made an investment purchase of a satisfyingly long and heavy crowbar and plan to begin smashing and prising directly.

Here is the area right now - obviously needing to be tidied up even before chaos begins:

You can tell that this out-of-the-way corner has collected the junk of the yard. Here's the view from the deck:

My first question of the project is this: that is old aluminium siding ... how do I cut it? Can I cut it in situ since everything will be hidden in the end? Should I just leave it as is and nail/screw right through it? That makes me nervous, especially for the ledger board (that the rafters attach to) and the skirt board (that the floor joists attach to). I'd like to know what I'm nailing into.

As usual, all helpful thoughts appreciated!

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posted by MrsEvilGenius @ 7:52 am   5 comments


At 11:10 am, Anonymous Bikini said...

You can use a circular saw to cut the siding - just adjust the blade depth (make it shallower) to cut only the siding and not the plywood/whatever underneath the siding is nailed to.

I would think hammering directly into the siding might warp and dent it in some areas that will still be seen.

At 11:32 am, Anonymous Karry said...

The siding must be cut - no doubt about it. How adn where is all up to you depending on how much time you want to invest and how much of it you may want to re-use. Re-use as much as you can? Take it off first. Just keep what's already there adn add more when your pantry is done? Cut it in situ. DO NOT bang and hammer on top of it - like aluminum foil it's never perfectly flat afterward. Are you taking the whole wall out? If so then don't screw with the depth of the blade - clear the insulation and all from the inside and then jigsaw the whole thing out.

But - this advice comes from a woman who forgot where the electric line was on her house when she was carrying the ladder to clean the gutters and if it wasn't insulated would not be around to give said advice..... so maybe you'd be better off talking to someone else. LOL!

Oh - and it is me or is there a dead and plucked/shaved something (chicken?) draped over your new fence in the second picture? (lower left corner) I know it's not a blurry child - it is one of your dogs at a weird angle? A sunburned sheep? Blue! What have you done to the turkey????

At 3:41 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:55 pm, Anonymous VegaVixen said...

How 'bout some pics of the pig pen? It's only been a month!

At 2:44 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check it ou homes masonite house siding price if your building homes go to Http://


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